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Integration Forecourtcontroller

Low flow at petrol pumps, water alarm in the reservoir, an alarm at the gas re-circulation monitoring - only three out of many critical incidents at fuel stations. How can omis help manage these challenges quickly and efficiently?

Low flow at petrol pumps is mainly a result of contaminated filters. The challenge is to determine whether to clean the tank or only the filters and to do it most cost efficient, i.e. to schedule fixed days in advance (keyword predictive maintenance).

Our solution: The daily average peak flow is collected and it is determined if an urgent fix is needed and if it's only a filter issue or a tank cleaning is needed. With omis the job can be directly assigned to the service provider and in most cases future maintenance issues can be scheduled.


A second critical topic is water alarm in the reservoir. The problem is to trigger the alarm in time and inform all parties involved.

The solution is to process the water alarm directly via the sensor and make it transparently traceable through a workflow.


Fuel station operators know the problem: There is an alarm at the gas re-circulation monitoring but it is not forwarded to the service provider in time. This leads to ad hoc measures that are expensive or in the worst case lead to a standstill of the petrol pump which results in a loss of sales.

The solution: omis gets the alarm from the forecourtcontroller, analyzes it and creates a workflow-controlled error report including a defined reaction time.


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